Sale Result € 26.000
Line VAUTRIN (1913-1997) 'Miroir Gerbera' (D:29 cm)
Line VAUTRIN (1913-1997) 'Miroir Gerbera' resine and glass.
Signed on the backside 'Line Vautrin'.
Provenance: From a private, Belgian collection.
This lot can be subject to resale rights. Please consult our 'conditions of the sale' for more detailed information.
- Overall in good condition.
- Some of the sunbursts have been professionally restored with the original material. If you wish to request further details, please call the auction house on +32 50 39 00 84.
€ 8.000 - € 12.000
Auction date
Wednesday, 14 June 2023 (10u00 CET)